Thursday, 15 February 2018

Economic Flaws are Worldwide; Wouldn’t it be harder to achieve a utopian society?

This is a quick info-graphic that I have created for you guys to get a general idea about Economic Hitmen, and their impact on the world's economy & modern day societies all over the world. 

I believe that once the problems (Economic Systems) of the core developed countries have been solved, then the rest of the world will be effected just like a line of dominos.  I say this because America is one of the most relied up economies in the world, and if they were to suffer, the rest of the world suffers (so to speak); while if they succeed and prosper, then the rest of the world will as well (again with some exceptions). With this in mind, let’s delve deeper into this matter. 

According to the movie Zeitgeist (and proved with substantial evidence) America has been using a tool by the name of Economic “Hit men”, which has an associated system to it.  (Joseph, 2008)

How it works is the government agencies such as NSA will hire people to become these economic hit men, who are basically debt collectors but collect debt from other countries’ governments. 

They will lend out a lot of money that the (mostly) developing country is not able to pay that debt back.  Instead, that country is then ‘strong armed’ into selling their resources, letting an American company expand with special treatment, or providing America with an Economic advantage through enhanced Economic Efficiency (ex. the foreign country allowing America to setup a Military base) 

Therefore, this activity (in my opinion) will actually make it easier to spread the wealth and advantages of a Utopian Society just because America has a strong Economic Influence over others. (Joseph, 2008)

This is not a conspiracy story because for this activity to happen, you do not have to conspire, it happens through orders to “consult” with the developing countries’ governments and to basically sell them a loan. It is highly unethical, but legal because this isn’t a conspired plan but rather a flow of events.  (Joseph, 2008) If you are interested about this topic, watch this video!

Do you agree or not agree with this post? Do you think it is fake, or a conspiracy story? What evidence would you require to support this post? What do you feel about the amount of evidence presented in the video?

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